Good to know, to jail broadcasters..

Good to know, to jail broadcasters..

Good to know, to jail broadcasters..

I am so surprised to hear that Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) will embrace police to send TV broadcasters who air porn and violent programs to the jail. Nice to hear it. While, as media reported, TV people seem buy the time when KPI sets deadline for them not to air porn, violent, or ridiculous vulgar TV shows by January next year.

We will see whether the government and KPI as well as civil organizations will help to clear the public space from damages made by TV broadcasters, which vulnerable much to children.

TV people never understand what they did would cause damages and losses to public, especially children, and now they have to admit that they are wrong.

We will see if KPI and government have courage to save kids from deadly brainwashing. Tell the TV broadcasting companies that they live in a civilized world, should abide by the existing laws and respect to humanity. Even in liberal countries, media should be regulated properly, not like under the administration of ‘wild wild west’. It’s now to end the arrogance of TV and their cronies.


21 Desember 2006



TV isn’t smart to teach us

Television as media just sell a bunch of bulshit, pretending to know more but they just fool anybody, particularly the children and teenagers.

Parents should fight against dehumanized scenes played by TV and sneak onto our rooms. They use public space with free of charge, just bribe greedy regulators and make huge bad loans to public banks. Ashame on TV bosses!!

In Indonesia, media watch, in this case TV watch organization, was something rare. Even the national broadcating commission (KPI) is paralyzed by the government and itself. The government doesn’t know how to do with the problems caused by TV. Just denounce occasionally, depends on spotlighted news in the media. So, we must fight against people who poison our kids’ brains, their heart, and waste their time away for blood and nasty lust scenes.

Don’t hope that TV will make you smart (or smarter?) cause they just worship their rating and hungry for ads money. So, control your TV at home, and start fighting and put pressure on the TV outlets. To be or be victimized!!


19 Desember 2006




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